
5 pm - Function 2 Fatigue

5:45 pm - Strength and Conditioning



9 am - Function 2 Fatigue



5 pm - Function 2 Fatigue

5:45 pm - Strength and Conditioning



9 am - Strength and Conditioning



9 am - Weekend Shredding


* Don’t see something that meets your schedule? New classes are added all the time! Call 978-258-6167 for the latest information.


Strength and Conditioning

Regardless of gender, age, weight, or experience, strength and conditioning is critical to overall health. Why? The number one reason most people name is more muscle equals less fat. That’s true because as muscle mass increases so does metabolism, but strength training can improve posture, increase bone density, help you sleep better, and just make it easier to do everyday things because youre stronger and leaner - come joins us!


Function 2 Fatigue

Focusing (but not limited to) 3 dimensional, core derivative exercises in an upbeat tempo. This is to allow full body endurance and maximum calories burned.


Weekend Shredding

A culmination of everything! Proportioned weights, w/nonstop movement.


Come try us out.  Your first week is free.  Call us at 978-258-6167 or email us and start your transformation now!

Serving the Massachusetts communities of Andover, North Andover, Methuen, Lawrence, Haverhill, Bradford and more.


978-258-6167  |  589 Chickering Road, Rear, North Andover, MA 01845


© 2019 Aim Fitness

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